Richard Williams in memory of Roberta Flack

“Life can be so unpredictable,” she said. “One thing I know is that everything changes. I’ve tried to embrace the twists and turns that life’s changes have brought. I took my classical training and used it as the foundation on which I based my arrangements, my dynamics and ultimately my musical expression. I think if you’re rigid about how you see yourself and if you aren’t open to the changes that life brings you, the resentment will show in your music and can interfere with honest expression.” 

I’m listening to First Take while writing this. Whether it’s in the quietly spine-tingling gospel of “I Told Jesus”, the laconic protest soul of “Tryin’ Times” or the sublime sophistication of “Ballad of the Sad Young Men”, honest expression from a great artist is what you get.

(More of Richard‘s memories in The Blue Moment)

Ein Kommentar

  • Michael Engelbrecht

    Ich bin nicht an Nachrufen per se interessiert. Sondern an Geschichten, die Funken schlagen. Wie diese Sätze von Roberta Flack. Da kann jeder etwas aus eigener Erfahrung beisteuern.

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