„The deep, moving, and thrilling kind“ – Meine 8 Fernsehserienhighlights 2024

  • John Sugar (one season only)
  • Shogun (one season only) 
  • The Newsreader, season 1 (mit Anna Torv)
  • Criminal Record (one season only)*
  • Blue Lights (season 1&2) 
  • Die Toten von Marnow (2) (German Noir)
  • “Women In Blue“ (season 1)
  • Peaky Blinders (the whole journey, six seasons)**

    *Criminal Record is unnerving television. A modern-day hard-boiled detective story with intricate plots, the morally ambiguous, and plenty of suspense and intrigue. There’s everything you’d want from a contemporary London-set thriller here…

    **We‘re happy to report that we fell hard for Peaky Blinders. However familiar its building blocks, the U.K. gangster drama is positively bursting with irrepressible energy, and it’s proof that, whatever a show’s premise, capable execution is everything. A dance from abyss to abyss. Noir and deep. There is probabyly no lover of Nick Cave‘s musical worlds who doesn‘t fall for this epic journey. P.J. Harvey, Leonard Cohen, Tom Waits, all these usual suspects, are joining the festival of noir. On the last two seasons Anna Calvi delivers. Sometimes haunting and overwhelming, always powerful and affecting, Calvi brings Shelby’s life before our eyes purely with her sound. Impressively, she plays all of the instruments – including ones she was less comfortable with, namely violin, piano and percussion – the results are unforgettable and the rawness is completely intended.

    2 Kommentare

    • Olaf Westfeld

      Du hast Marnow 2 schon gesehen?
      Zwischen den Jahren ist ja hier Fernsehzeit, da sind die auch dabei, genau so Shogun und The Bear 3.

    • flowworker

      Bin mittendrin. Sehr verstörend. Teil 1 war schon klasse, Petra Schmidt-Schaller mag ich sowieso sehr.

      The Newsreader von arte verschwunden, jetzt wohl auf joyn.

      Richtig gute Filme imo:

      Horizon (würde mich von Verrissen nicht abbringen lassen)
      Blitz (auf Netflix) (directed by Steve McQueen, with a touch of Ch. Dickens)


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