the november parallel reading of LATCHO DROM (summary)
participants so far: M.E., B.W., O.W. (deadline for players, October 15)
the thematic field: chapter 4 of Joe Boyd‘s book (from Ravi Shankar to Sinti/Roma, flamenco, and beyond, starring John McLaughlin, Leonard Cohen and Federico Lorca, Pandith Pran Nath, Silverio Franconetti, Jon Hassell, The Beatles, Bob Dylan, John Coltrane, ECM, and many more)

on each november weekend (see parallel reading lines at the end), every player has to answer four questions … at the end, one of us (not including me, the winner of the lottery) will get a package of five excellent albums (cds / vinyl, your choice) related to the far reaching horizons of chapter 4. one of these albums will be part of my next Klanghorizonte evening, in late March 2025)
- What did really take you by surprise! (Describe one, two, or three „wow“-factors!)
- How do you experience to listen to an album you can choose freely from the pages you‘ve been reading?
- What is an interesting connection you haven‘t been conscious about before?
- How do you respond to Joe Boyd‘s writing (content / style, whatever)?
reading intervals:
subchapter 1-12 (pages 283-307 – until nov. 2/3
subchapter 13-21 (pages 307-330) – until nov. 9/10
subchapter 22-32 (pages 331-357) – until nov. 16/17
subchapter 33-45 (pages 357-382) – until nov 23/24
2 Kommentare
Michael Engelbrecht
The anwers to the the questions
Week after week in Novmber can
Be given in English, in German…
what you prefer.
Michael Engelbrecht
The movie LATCHO DROM can be seen on youtube in full length.