Some lines for Paul Newland

Dreaming of coffee and yesterdays, we landed, songwise, in
troubles being far away, and the valley down below.

Then, i took the highway from the city of early years
to Aachen, before the heat reached its peak,

all my girls out of house, swimming, walking etc.
i preferred the electric cave, cold water, listening …

at first two sides of that wonderful double vinyl LUX
though always recognizing Eno‘s „writing“, one ambient album
never is like the other: on this one i love the soft
piano notes like silent explosions, amongst everything else.

Then, after more water, and a cup of wood-roasted coffee,
i put on your latest, MUNTJAC, what a „grower“:
getting lost is a gift here, and time the pathfinder!
The singing songs, the ways of walking, the quiet upheaval

of memories of days long gone or just like yesterday.
I will send you my questions soon, Paul, the last two tracks,

have to be the last two tracks,

beautiful ghosts sending secret messages in sound,
all their goodbyes one welcome after the other!

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