
Reels are moving pictures of a special kind, mostly with a soundtrack: short sequences, Schlaglichter of about one minute with splinters of a diversity/heterogenity of reality moments arranged in infectious, alienating, surprising way, where pictures and music enter special mutually illuminating and enforcing interactions. They are created and designed by a combination of (planned) deliberate choices and chance, serve incitement and excitement, can evoke beholders‘ own cross-links. Brevity is the soul of wit, in der Kürze liegt die Würze.

To operate a REEL: zoom in by clicking on the ‘AMSONANZA’ mark when the reel starts. The ‘AMSONANZA’ mark also appears at the end a bit larger. When you click on it, the reel will be repeated. 

I have some ‚in petto‘ to present here and will be happy about your responses and comments.

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