Q, der bewundernswerte Allrounder

Quincey Jones hat das Zeitliche gesegnet, und es gibt reichlich Gründe für Lobeshymnen. Q hat Dinge miteinander zu verbinden gewusst und ein bewundernswertes lebenslanges offenes Interesse an den Tag gelegt. Bis in das neunte Jahrzehnt seines rührigen Lebens. Chapeau! Sein respektvolles, einladend schmunzelendes Lächeln galt auch immer jüngeren Generationen wie etwa das folgende Bild von Q mit Vokalistin Sanem Kalfa beim Montreux Festival 2011 zeigt.

Ich will den vielen schönen Nachrufen keinen weiteren hinzufügen, sondern möchte Questlove (von The Roots) das Wort geben.

QUESTLOVE : „Wanted To Reflect On The Hundreds Of Things He Taught Me Throughout The Years. 10 Takeaways Quincy Jones would hammer home throughout the years I’d run into him. 

1. The importance of connecting to people (scoring/songwriting/business ventures) your song/message/product HAS to give goosebumps.

2. “You can’t polish doo-doo”——the best singer can’t save a bad song. The most limited singer often make hit songs because limited musicians serve the song & virtuosos tend to let their ego show off too much. The song must resonate

3. Always record your music when your musicians are tired from 10pm-5am you’ll get the best results because Theta brainwaves are subconscious ———always use the “non overthinking” hours to let the magic in

4. My contact list is my most important instrument 

5. The importance of sequencing albums & shows——know how to balance your strong  material to your more experimental material.

6. Never look down on the generation that’s ahead of you. Never neglect the creations of the generations in your rear view mirror.

7. Study & master all arenas of creativity

8. You are never too old to achieve a new plateau or goal

9. Edit edit edit Less Is More

10. Pay it forward to the next person.

Quincy Delight Jones (1933-2024)

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