„Geschehen in der Vorgeschichte“

I have a little story to tell. My favourite lyric book of the moment is Jürgen Becker’s „Fenster und Stimmen“ (Suhrkamp Verlag, 1982). I found it in an „Antiquariat“, and fell in love with it again, like decades ago. And while sinking deeper into the words and paintings (by Jürgen’s late wife), I even remember some of the phrases, pictures, words from that summer of 1982 – and looking by my side, I see a younger Michael – reading, dreaming, singing: “I drive my car up a one-way street / Dirty looks from everyone I meet / I ask the Lord my soul to keep / No reply — must be asleep.”  I remember my ars vivendi (haha) of reading poems in those days: staying at every poem for a long, long while, sometimes with Brian Eno‘s Discreet Music floating from the speakers. One day in Begeinöden, near Arnschwang, the mailman rang twice at the food of my hill (all those blue, blue skies around), and brought me this book of poems, along with two ECM records from Jazz By Post, Gleichmannatraße 10. The summer of 1982. I easily remember my love, „Come on, Eileen“ (as well as „Abracadabra“ from the Steve Miller Band) were our songs. I can still see, now, from my window in Bergeinöden, in that other life, in a long gone century, the green, green grass, I hear the soft, soft voice of my goddess making my soul shiver, my heart tremble. Our cries. Our melting. Our small talk before and after sex. It was the 80‘s, and on the turntable „Remain In Light“!

(Ich bin auf Seite 45 meines geplanten Erzählwerks „Der schwarze Hund von Grasfilzing“. Das Recherchieren der damals gelesenen Bücher und gehörten Platten erweitert Erinnerungsräume. All die Wahrheiten lassen sich dann noch viel leichter erfinden.)

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