That indigenous Australian expression
“Dreamtime“ was recorded in 1980 at Systems Research Center, Palo Alto, CA. The Dreaming is used Down Under to represent the concept of „time out of time“ or „everywhen“, during which the land was inhabited by ancesteal figures, often of heroic proportions or with supernatural abilities. The piece is taken from the wonderful boxset „Degrees Of Freedom Found“. Imagine Blue Gene Tyranny meeting Bo Hansson!

After my recommendation of the treasure box titled „Degress Of Freedom Found“, Amazon realized people are buying this dust collector again, so now it is no longer cheap as chips, and the price went up 300 %. A friend of mine said, as some old-fashioned vinyl dude I should give this unknown „classic of its own kind“ a spin. Out Of The Blue. Lovely music, from start to end, indeed. Makes sense, the Boomkat review: „Tyranny’s 1978 solo debut ‘Out Of The Blue’ remains a perennial cult favourite, existing on the sweetest, inventive edges of rock, pop and avant-garde composition in a manner that was entirely characteristic of the amazing Lovely Music, Ltd. label, with whom he’s most closely associated. Quite simply, there’s little out there that matches ‘Out of the Blue’ for sheer charm, placing a deep knowledge of experimental and pop music’s internal workings at the service of a ripely melodic and dreamlike suite with results awaiting discovery by new ears.“
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Click on „Dreamtime: In The Past“ for listening.