Music for another blue hour

I am dreaming about an hour of music with a collection of female voices, coming from three new and excellent records. I am speaking of Jessica Pratt, Beth Gibbons (Lives Outgrown will be my album of the year, no doubts) and Julia Holter, interspersed by the right amount of instrumental music coming from artists like Pan American, Shabaka, Erik Honoré (hoping for a world premiere of his forthcomin album) Adam Wiltzie and that „psychedelic record“ from a psychotherapist living in Brooklyn (Jon Hopkins’ „Ritual“ might be a great choice, too, but will only arrive on August 30). The sequence is convincing by now, but as this hour of „my Klanghorizonte“ in July is already quite crowded (short to overflowing), the big question arises: will there be any other stuff (to be released in the weeks to come) with pure magic, and how will that affect (even undermine) the sequence in mind. I am only looking for instrumental music, and skip that wonderful new Eno song, the forthcoming Cale album, Einstürzende Neubauten and Sam Beam‘s fine song cycle. Why? It will be a blue hour of female voices only, and the instrumental pieces just have to live up to them in terms of excellence, and stylistic diversity. May you discover some for July 26 (Oded Tzur, Fire! Trio, and Wadada Leo Smith are already „booked“ for my edition of JazzFacts in early July)… another self-imposed rule (of the moment) is to leave out ancient works (no Can, no American Analog Set, no Toumani Diabate, no ECM „Luminessence“ series). Kindest regards from a flowworker!
2 Kommentare
„May you discover some for July 26″….heisst: Wenn jemand ganz und gar faszinierende Musik entdeckt jenseits des Mainstreams, rein instrumental, egal, aus welcher stilistischen Ecke, bitte ich um eine Mail oder einen comment. (m.e.)
Olaf Westfeld